2018 Arabian Pony Filly,
Champion Arabian Pony Goulburn Valley Arabian Championships
Dual Supreme Champion Arabian Pony VADOBA Show
2020 Gold Australian Champion Arabian Pony Filly
2020 Australian Champion Derivative shown by Non Pro
2021 Gold Australian Champion Arabian Pony Filly
2021 Australian champion Derivative shown by Non Pro
2022 Australian Champion Arabian Pony Filly
2022 Australian Champion Female Junior Derivative Shown by a Non Pro
2022 Australian Champion Home Produced Derivative Female
Miss Chilly Pepper 2022
My first encounter with Miss Chilly Pepper was when I noticed her for sale as a 3 month old foal in March 2019.
I kept a close eye on her wanting to buy her but had too much on my hands with work and all my horses and farm.
coming up to my birthday in December 2019, nine months later I could not believe that nobody had purchased Miss Chilly, so I decided to buy myself a birthday present - I contacted her breeder Sa'Vey Arabians, made them an offer and the rest is history. Miss Chilly Pepper came to live at Sarowan Park at Jindivick at the age of 12 months, it must have been predetermined fate that she was meant to come and live with me.
Since owning her Miss Chilly and myself have only entered 3 shows - 2020, 2021 and 2022 Australian National Championships - first year at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre, then Boneo park Mornington and March this year back in Sydney International Equestrian Centre.
Miss Chilly was initially show in Sydney by my dear friend Jayne Bellchambers, taking out Miss Chilly's first Australian Championship and her following seven Australian Championship wins Miss Chilly was shown by Myself.
Miss Chilly was entered into 8 classes at the Australian National Championships over the 3 years and has been awarded 8 Australian National Championships, all achieved by the ripe old age of 3 years.
A Major highlight of the 2022 Australian National Championships in Sydney was just after winning her 8th Australian National Championship, Miss Chilly and myself were able to meet the indigenous group, Nulunga Dreaming, who came to perform a welcoming to country ceremony. I am not sure who were more excited - Miss Chilly Pepper enjoying the attention and loving the fuss and patting from the children, or the excited children clamouring all over Miss Chilly with wonderful photos taken by Nadine Frampton, catching this very special unforgettable moments for both of us and the children. A definite highlight of her career and mine.
Miss Chilly Pepper will now gracefully retire from the show scene for a while as she has a foal on the way by Karanga Rockafella - thanks to Tracy Burnside for making this possible. Miss Chilly Pepper may return to the ring one day as a senior mare but now is currently enjoying the lush pastures and hills at Sarowan Park in Jindivick or she may continue to grace our paddocks enjoying motherhood, as she has nothing further to prove to us or Australia with her remarkable record of achievements in her first 3 years of life.